Thursday, April 23, 2009

Revision - Mass

Revision Test on the Mass

1. Who wrote most of the psalms?
a) David b) Matthew c) Paul d) Saul e) Solomon

2. What do we call the time during the Mass when the priest teaches us about God’s word and how to live our lives correctly?

a) Gospel b) Offertory c) Homily d) chalice e) Readings

3. What action starts the Liturgy of the Eucharist?

a) Consecration b) Offertory c) Welcome d) Communion e) Gospel

4. What type of prayer is the priest praying before the Eucharistic Prayer when he has the bread and wine?

a) Bidding b) Praising c) Asking d) Glorifying e) Thanksgiving

5. Which prayer did Jesus himself teach us?
a) Glory be b) Hail Mary c) Our Father d) Prayer for peace e) Gloria

Total for Question 1 = 5 marks

Name the two main sections of the Mass as well as the most important part of each. (4)

At which two specific parts of the Mass can your sins be forgiven? (2)

Why do the Catholics use the sign of the cross to bless themselves? (1)

After the priest has said “A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to…” What do we say, do and why? (5)

Why do we do this action?

Fill in the table below (15)

First Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
Testament? (New/Old)

Name a possible book from the bible.

Used at every Mass including during the week? (Yes/No)

Congregation response at end
Reader: This is the word of the Lord

Reader: This is the word of the Lord

Priest: This is the Gospel of the Lord

Write out an example of a short bidding prayer (4)

What four things could we offer during the Offertory. (4)

Why does the priest add one drop of water to the wine in the chalice? (3)

What day do we commemorate that relates to this prayer: “Holy, holy, holy Lord……… Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the Highest.”? (1)

What happens at the consecration? (2)

What comes at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer to sum up all our separate prayers during the Mass? (1)

Who first referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God? (1)

At the Sign of peace what do we do and say? (2)

Write out this short prayer: “Lord I am not worthy to ….” (2)

Briefly explain the story that the above prayer comes from. (3)

Why can non-Catholics not receive communion in church? (1)

What are non-Catholics able to do during communion? (1)

Revision - Liturgy

Revision of liturgy

What two things are remembered October? The month of ___ (2)
What do we remember throughout November? (1)
What is celebrated on the 1st November? (1)
How many ordinary Sundays are there in a year? (1)
What is the last Sunday in the year called? (1)
What happens liturgically on the first Sunday of Advent? (Readings) (1)
What date will be the First Sunday of Advent this year? (2)
What Gospel did we read from throughout the majority of this year? (1)
Name three days when the priest could wear red. (3)
Why is the colour purple worn during Lent? (1)
What do we remember during Holy Week? (1)
Write any three sentences about the feast that we celebrate on the 15 August. (3)
What does the word Pentecost mean and what is celebrated on this day? (2)
What is important about the 8 September and 8 December? (2)
Draw and label an Advent wreath. Explain each part thoroughly. (10)

Total 32

Revision - Commandments and the Creed

Revision – creed and commandments

What do the first three commandments relate to? (1)
What do the last 7 commandments relate to? (1)
Name two modern day gods we could have. (2)
What could you say to disobey the second commandment? (1)
When do Christians celebrate the Sabbath and why? (2)
Name five groups of people that are to be obeyed according to Commandment 4. (5)
Name five forms of killing that are forbidden by Commandment 5. (5)
In what way could a teenager commit adultery? (2)
Name three forms of stealing. (3)
What does commandment eight expect us to do? (2)
What does it mean “to covet”? (1)
How many Gods do we as Christians worship? (1)
Name the three forms of God. (3)
Compete: We believe in one God…… (1)
Why did Jesus come down from heaven and how did he get here? (2)
What does the word incarnate mean? (1)
Who was Jesus crucified under? (1)
According to the scriptures when did Jesus rise again? (3)
Where did Jesus go to forty days after his resurrection and where is he said to be now? (2)
Why will Jesus come again in glory? (1)
Name two things that we know about the Holy Spirit according to the creed. (2)
What are the four marks of the catholic faith? (4)
What does the word catholic mean? (1)
How many times can we get baptised? (1)
Why do we get baptised? (1)
What are we looking forward to in the future? (1)
What two things are celebrated October? (2)
What do we remember throughout November? (1)
What is celebrated on the 2nd November? (1)
How many ordinary Sunday are there in a year? (1)
What is the last Sunday in the year called? (1)
What happens liturgically on the first Sunday of Advent? (Readings) (1)
What date will be the fourth Sunday of Advent this year? (2)
What Gospel did we read from throughout the majority of this year? (1)Draw and label an Advent wreath. Explain each part thoroughly. (10)

1st Year and 2nd Year Confirmation - Presentation of Bibles


Welcome Hymn: 574 O the word of my Lord

Explanation of the ceremony to follow.

All candidates to come and stand in front of bottom step facing people. (First and Second years)

Signing of the Candidates with the Cross

Fr. Hans:
Christ has called you to be his friends. Always remember him and be faithful to him.

Now I will mark your forehead with the sign of the cross. It is the sign of Christians; let it remind you always of Christ and how much he loves you.

(Signing with the cross is done in silence.)
Priest may invite parents to also come and trace a cross on their child’s forehead.

Now I will mark your hands with the sign of the cross. It is a sign to touch others with the gentleness of Christ.
(Fr. Hans marks crosses on candidates’ hands)

Now I place you all entirely under the sign of Christ’s cross in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: live with Jesus now and forever.

Now you can take your places and listen to the Lord as he speaks to us and joins us in prayer.

First Reading: Romans 10:8-13
"The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith that we preach), for, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.
For the scripture says, "No one who believes in him will be put to shame."
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all, enriching all who call upon him.
For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
This is the Word of the Lord

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 19: 7-9
Response: Lord you have the Words of everlasting life.
The teachings of the LORD are perfect. They renew the soul. The testimony of the LORD is dependable. It makes gullible people wise. (R)
The instructions of the LORD are correct. They make the heart rejoice. The command of the LORD is radiant. It makes the eyes shine. (R)
The fear of the LORD is pure. It endures forever. The decisions of the LORD are true. They are completely fair.(R)

Gospel Acclamation
Glory and praise to you O Christ
God loved the world so much that he gave us his only Son, that all who believe in him might have eternal life.
Glory and praise to you O Christ

Gospel: John 12:44-50
Then Jesus said loudly, "Whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in the one who sent me. Whoever sees me sees the one who sent me. I am the light that has come into the world so that everyone who believes in me will not live in the dark. If anyone hears my words and doesn't follow them, I don't condemn them. I didn't come to condemn the world but to save the world. Those who reject me by not accepting what I say have a judge appointed for them. The words that I have spoken will judge them on the last day. I have not spoken on my own. Instead, the Father who sent me told me what I should say and how I should say it. I know that what he commands is eternal life. Whatever I say is what the Father told me to say."

Blessing and Presentation of the Bibles

After the homily, Laura calls the candidates forward by name. They come into the sanctuary.

Laura then presents the candidates with these words:
Father Hans, brothers and sisters in Christ, we wish to present to you the members of the first year confirmation group who will today be presented with their bibles.

Fr. Hans then addresses the parents and candidates

We welcome you here today. We express the joy of the church and this parish community that these candidates, being presented by their parents are being prepared for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation and so become full members of the church.

We remind parents to be aware of their responsibility to give good Christian example and to help, support and encourage their children on their journey to confirmation.

My young people, God calls you to prepare yourselves for the fullness of the gift of the Holy Spirit in your confirmation. You have begun to respond to God’s invitation and now you present yourselves to prepare for confirmation as followers of Christ and as adult members of the church. From now on, you are called to walk more carefully in the light of Christ and to trust more firmly in His wisdom.

Fr. Hans blesses the bibles as follows: -

God our creator, your will is that all people should come to the knowledge of the truth about you as Creator, about Jesus, your son, our Saviour and about the Holy Spirit as sanctifier and giver of all true wisdom. In your wonderful love, you have made it possible to come to your truth through your word revealed to us in the pages of the bible and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, your word made flesh. We thank you that you have entrusted your Word to your church to hand on to all people who seek peace, truth, justice and eternal life.
We ask you to +bless these bibles which we hand on to our youth, to help them along the path of following Jesus by praying and reflecting on your holy word.
Bless too these young people who will receive the word of God today. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN

Fr. Hans hands the bibles to the candidates. When all have their bible they may leave the sanctuary.

Presentation of Creed
Fr. Hans calls forward the second Year Confirmation candidates by name who will stand in the sanctuary.
Each will be presented with a copy of the Nicene Creed by Fr. Hans.

Fr. Hans:
My dear Friends, listen carefully to the words of that faith by which you will be justified. The words are few, but the mysteries they contain are great. Receive them with a sincere heart and be faithful to them.

Proclamation of Faith
(all proclaim faith togther)
I Believe in one God……

The Second Year candidates return to their places unless reading intercessions.

Fr. Hans:
Let us pray for these children, your sons and daughters, your companions and friends, as they draw nearer to God.

V May we steadily increase our desire to live with Jesus. Lord hear us.

V May we find true happiness by belonging to this church. Lord hear us.

V May we be given strength as we prepare to receive the Holy Spirit and its gifts. Lord hear us.

V May we be preserved from the temptation of discouragement and fear. Lord hear us.

V May we out of our own free will desire to attend Mass regularly. Lord hear us.

V May we desire to receive the Jesus in the Eucharist so that he may transform us into the people he wants us to be. Lord hear us.

V May we make the effort to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation often so that we may come to know God’s healing and peace. Lord hear us

Fr. Hans
Lord, you have filled these children with the desire to become perfect Christians. As they grow in wisdom and knowledge, respond to their hopes and answer their prayers.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Final Blessing: (All stand)
May you all go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

Sing Recessional Hymn

Liturgy - Presentation of Bibles


Welcome Hymn:

Explanation of the ceremony to follow.

All candidates to come and stand in front of bottom step facing people.

Signing of the Candidates with the Cross

Fr. Tony:
Christ has called you to be his friends. Always remember him and be faithful to him.

Now I will mark your forehead with the sign of the cross. It is the sign of Christians; let it remind you always of Christ and how much he loves you.

(Signing with the cross is done in silence.)
Priest may invite parents to also come and trace a cross on their child’s forehead.

Now I will mark your hands with the sign of the cross. It is a sign to touch others with the gentleness of Christ.
(Fr. Tony marks crosses on candidates’ hands)

Now I place you all entirely under the sign of Christ’s cross in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: live with Jesus now and forever.

Now you can take your places and listen to the Lord as he speaks to us and joins us in prayer.

Penitential Rite:

Opening Prayer: (of the Day)

First Reading: Romans 10:8-13
"The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith that we preach), for, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.
For the scripture says, "No one who believes in him will be put to shame."
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all, enriching all who call upon him.
For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
This is the Word of the Lord

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 19: 7-9
Response: Lord you have the Words of everlasting life.
The teachings of the LORD are perfect. They renew the soul. The testimony of the LORD is dependable. It makes gullible people wise. (R)
The instructions of the LORD are correct. They make the heart rejoice. The command of the LORD is radiant. It makes the eyes shine. (R)
The fear of the LORD is pure. It endures forever. The decisions of the LORD are true. They are completely fair.(R)

Gospel Acclamation
God loved the world so much that he gave us his only Son, that all who believe in him might have eternal life.

Gospel: John 12:44-50
Then Jesus said loudly, "Whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in the one who sent me. Whoever sees me sees the one who sent me. I am the light that has come into the world so that everyone who believes in me will not live in the dark. If anyone hears my words and doesn't follow them, I don't condemn them. I didn't come to condemn the world but to save the world. Those who reject me by not accepting what I say have a judge appointed for them. The words that I have spoken will judge them on the last day. I have not spoken on my own. Instead, the Father who sent me told me what I should say and how I should say it. I know that what he commands is eternal life. Whatever I say is what the Father told me to say."
This is the Gospel of the Lord


Blessing and Presentation of the Bibles

After the homily, catechist calls the candidates forward by name. They come into the sanctuary.

Catechist then presents the candidates with these words:
Father Tony, brothers and sisters in Christ, we wish to present to you the members of the first year confirmation group who will today be presented with their bibles.

Fr. Tony then addresses the parents and candidates

We welcome you here today. We express the joy of the church and this parish community that these candidates, being presented are being prepared for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation and so become full members of the church.

We remind parents to be aware of their responsibility to give good Christian example and to help, support and encourage their children on their journey to confirmation.

My young people, God calls you to prepare yourselves for the fullness of the gift of the Holy Spirit in your confirmation. You have begun to respond to God’s invitation and now you present yourselves to prepare for confirmation as followers of Christ and as adult members of the church. From now on, you are called to walk more carefully in the light of Christ and to trust more firmly in His wisdom.

Fr. Tony blesses the bibles as follows: -

God our creator, your will is that all people should come to the knowledge of the truth about you as Creator, about Jesus, your son, our Saviour and about the Holy Spirit as sanctifier and giver of all true wisdom. In your wonderful love, you have made it possible to come to your truth through your word revealed to us in the pages of the bible and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, your word made flesh. We thank you that you have entrusted your Word to your church to hand on to all people who seek peace, truth, justice and eternal life.
We ask you to +bless these bibles which we hand on to our youth, to help them along the path of following Jesus by praying and reflecting on your holy word.
Bless too these young people who will receive the word of God today. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN

Fr. Tony hands the bibles to the candidates.

Presentation of Creed
Each will be presented with a copy of the Nicene Creed by Fr. Tony.

Fr. Tony:
My dear Friends, listen carefully to the words of that faith by which you will be justified. The words are few, but the mysteries they contain are great. Receive them with a sincere heart and be faithful to them.

Proclamation of Faith
(all proclaim faith together)
I Believe in one God……

Fr. Tony:
Let us pray for these children, your sons and daughters, your companions and friends, as they draw nearer to God.

V May we steadily increase our desire to live with Jesus. Lord hear us.

V May we find true happiness by belonging to this church. Lord hear us.

V May we be given strength as we prepare to receive the Holy Spirit and its gifts. Lord hear us.

V May we be preserved from the temptation of discouragement and fear. Lord hear us.

V May we out of our own free will desire to attend Mass regularly. Lord hear us.

V May we desire to receive the Jesus in the Eucharist so that he may transform us into the people he wants us to be. Lord hear us.

V May we make the effort to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation often so that we may come to know God’s healing and peace. Lord hear us

Fr. Tony
Lord, you have filled these children with the desire to become perfect Christians. As they grow in wisdom and knowledge, respond to their hopes and answer their prayers.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Liturgy of the Eucharist to continue as normal.

Patron Saints Quiz

Patron Saints Quiz
Here are the 100 questions...
Each question has a right and a wrong answer. When you pick the right answer, you'll be linked to a few descriptive lines about the Saint; if you select the wrong answer, you'll be returned to the original question, so you can try again! Keep track of your score.
1. Who is the Patron of items that were lost?
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Gabriel
2. Which Saint is the Patron of heart patients?
St. Peregrine
St. John of God
3. The popular Saint of desperate cases is:
St. Lucy
St. Jude
4. Who was the apostle of Emilia and is the Patron of cancer patients?
St. Peregrine
St. Matthew
5. St. Raphael is the Patron of:
the blind
the lame
6. Who is the Patron of Invalids?
St. Timothy
St. Roch
7. Who helps headache sufferers?
St. Therese of Lisieux
St. Teresa of Avila
8. Travelers can turn to:
St. Christopher
St. Lucy
9. Lawyers and attorneys may get assistance from:
St. Luke
St. Thomas More
10. Who is the Patron of accountants?
St. Matthew
St. Bernardine of Siena
11. People who are mountain climbers may pray to:
St. Bernard of Menthon
St. Monica
12. Anaesthetists have this Patron Saint:
St. René Goupil
St. Ignatius of Loyola
13. Who is the Patron Saint for those who oppose abortions?
St. Catherine of Sweden
St. Maria Goretti
14. Victims of abuse may turn to:
St. Rita of Cascia
St. Vitus
15. If you are an actor, you could turn to:
St. Genesius
St. Gertrude of Nivelles
16. Actresses are protected by
St. Pelagia
St. Clotilde
17. Who is the Patron Saint of Catholic African Youth Action?
Moses the Black
St. Charles Lwanga
18. Who wouldn't want a good harvest? If you do, you might pray to:
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Urban of Langres
19. For protection against bad weather please pray to:
St. Medard
St. Florian
20. The follow Saint gives help against cold weather:
St. Godeberta
St. Sebaldus
21. For relief from droughts, you could pray to:
St. Herbert
St. Aloysius
22. We can pray against earthquakes to:
St. Emygdius
St. Francis Borgia
23. And, against indiscretions:
St. John Nepomucene
St. Genesius
24. Patron Saint against jealousy is:
St. Elizabeth of Portugal
St. Clare of Assisi
25. Jewellers may turn to:
St. Eligius
St. Felix
26. Insect bites may be referred to:
St. Mark the Apostle
St. John the Apostle
27. Who is the Patron Saint of publishers and book sellers?
St. John of God
St. Thomas Aquinas
28. For the grace to make a good confession we may turn to:
St. Gerard Majella
St. Lawrence
29. Comical persons will find helpful assistance from:
St. Vitus
St. Philip Neri
30. Those who are dying often pray to:
St. Joseph
St. Joachim
31. Environmentalists have been known to pray to:
St. Benedict
St. Francis of Assisi
32. Who is the Patron Saint of innkeepers?
St. Amand
St. Maurice
33. The Patron against poisoning is?
St. Benedict
St. Luke
34. To keep our throats healthy we turn to...
St. Blaise
St. Dymphna
35. We pray to this Saint for the poor:
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Peregrine
36. People with stomach problems often turn to...
St. Timothy
St. Roch
37. Altar Boys and Girls are assisted in this humble service by:
St. Thomas the Apostle
St. John Berchmans
38. Who is the Patron Saint of astronomers?
St. Dominic
St. Sebastian
39. Who is the Saint who often levitated, the Patron Saint of Aviators?
St. Joseph of Cupertino
St. John Capistrano
40. Who is the Patron Saint of bankers and money managers?
St. Dominic Savio
St. Matthew
41. The Patron Saint of catechists is:
St. Charles Borromeo
St. Dominic
42. Who is the Patron of charitable workers?
St. Peter Claver
St. Vincent de Paul
43. Those devoted to the Sacred Heart pray to...
St. Margaret Mary
St. Elizabeth
44. Who is the Patron Saint of farmers?
St. Jerome
St. Isidore
45. And the Patron Saint of those involved in evangelism?
St. John the Evangelist
St. Paul the Apostle
46. Firefighters may turn to...
St. Vitus
St. Florian
47. Who is the Patron Saint of immigrants?
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
St. Frances of Rome
48. People who are lectors in Church may turn to:
St. Brendan
St. Bede, the Venerable.
49. Many mothers pray for intercession to:
St. Gertrude
St. Monica
50. The choir director or member of your Church's music ministry has a Patron Saint. She is:
St. Agatha
St. Cecilia
51. Police officers have a Patron Saint. Who is he?
St. Michael
St. Gabriel
52. Who is the Patron of preachers?
St. Jerome
St. John Chrysostom
53. The Patron Saint of pastors is...
St. Basil
St. John Vianney
54. And, prisoners could turn to...
St. Dismas
St. Benedict
55. Scientists have a Patron Saint. He is:
St. Ephrem
St. Albert the Great
56. Singers turn to:
St. Gregory the Great
St. Genesius
57. Who are the Patron Saints of surgeons?
St. Cosmas and Damian
St. Felicity and Perpetua
58. Scholars could turn to...
St. John Francis Regis
St. Thomas Aquinas
59. Television workers have a Patron Saint, who is?
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Clare of Assisi
60. Who is the Patron Saint of theologians?
St. Wenceslaus
St. Augustine
61. Moral theologians have a special Patron too. Who is he?
St. Aloysius
St. Alphonsus Liguori
62. Who is the Patron of workers?
St. Joseph
St. Peter Canisius
63. Who is the Patron of teachers?
St. John Baptist de la Salle
St. Dominic Savio
64. St. John the Baptist is the Patron of which country?
65. Who is the Patron Saint of Czechoslovakia?
St. Wenceslaus
St. Canute
66. And, who is the Patron Saint of England?
St. Anselm
St. George
67. St. Nicholas is the Patron Saint of which country?
68. Germans may turn to this Saint for help?
St. Willibrord
St. Boniface
69. Who is the Patron Saint of Peru?
St. Rose of Lima
St. Bridget
70. And, who is one of the Patron Saints of Italy?
St. Peter Baptist
St. Francis of Assisi
71. Poland has a Patron Saint. Who is he?
St. Casimir
St. Nicholas of Flue
72. Athletes find an intercessor in:
St. Sebastian
St. Peter Julian Eymard
73. Who is the Patron Saint of authors?
St. Francis de Sales
St. John Bosco
74. And, the Patron Saint of messengers is?
St. Gabriel
St. Raphael
75. Who is the Patron Saint of librarians?
St. Jerome
St. Francis de Paola
76. The Patron Saint of weavers is?
St. Paul the Hermit
St. Armel
77. Who is the Patron Saint of goldsmiths?
St. Dunstan
St. Vincent of Saragossa
78. Watchmen often turn to...
St. Peter Chanel
St. Peter of Alcantara
79. And, servants find a helpful friend in:
St. Zita
St. Wilfrid
80. Cooks have a Patron Saint too. Who?
St. Eligius
St. Martha
81. Undertakers frequently turn to:
St. Joseph of Arimathea
St. Joseph of Cupertino
82. Who is the Patron Saint of unattractive people?
St. Germaine Cousin
St. Dismas
83. People who lay tiles might pray to...
St. Barbara
St. Bega
84. And, torture victim have a special friend in several Saints. One of these is:
St. Agatha
St. Sebastian
85. Who is the Patron Saint of skiers?
St. Bernard
St. Isidore
86. Widows pray to:
St. Paula
St. Anastasia
87. Stamp collectors turn to:
St. Phileas
St. Gabriel the Archangel
88. And pilgrims?
St. Alexius
St. Macrina
89. Penitent Sinners find a friend in:
St. Mary Magdalen
St. Cedd
90. Who is the Patron of bridge builders?
St. Benezet
Catherine of Siena
91. People who are sick, who are ailing often pray to...
St. Camillus de Lellis
St. Barnabas
92. Who is the Patron Saint of Popes?
St. Peter the Apostle
St. Leo the Great
93. People who are in exile pray to:
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Elizabeth of Schönau
94. Parish Missions are placed under the special protection of:
St. Leonard of Port Maurice
St. Mark the Evangelist
95. The Patron Saint of naval officers is:
St. Elmo
St. Francis de Sales
96. If you are a Notary Public, this is your Patron Saint:
St. Ivo of Kermartin
St. Ferdinand of Castile
97. Who is the Patron of shoemakers?
Blessed Novellone
Saint John of the Cross
98. Who can we ask for assistance when we have frequent nightmares?
The Archangel Raphael
St. Valentine
99. Who is the Patron Saint of judges and magistrates?
St. Nicholas of Flue
St. Nicholas of Tolentino
100. And, lastly, who is the Patron Saint of First Communicants?
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
St. Tarcisius

St. Tarcisius is indeed the Patron Saint of First Communicants. There are several Saints by the name of Tarcisius, we are referring to the Saint who lived in the 3rd century and who was an acolyte or perhaps a deacon in Rome. He was beaten to death on the Appian Way while carrying the Blessed Eucharist. His feastday is August 15th. This was the last question. Please click on more information to continue.
St. Nicholas of Flue lived from 1417 to 1487. His feastday occurs on March 22nd. He's an outstanding figure in Swiss religious history and is affectionately called "Bruder Klaus." He served as Magistrate and counsellor of Obwalden Canton. He is Patron Saint of judges and magistrates. Next Question.
The Archangel Raphael is Patron of people who have nightmares. It isn't quite clear why, except that his name means "God Heals" in Hebrew. Feastday September 29th. Next question.
Blessed Novellone is the Patron of shoemakers. He died in 1280 and was a shoemaker by trade in Faenza, Italy. He went as a penitent to Rome and walked barefoot to the tomb of St. James the Apostle in Compostella, Spain. Eventually, he became a recluse and lived in a hut near the cell of Brother Lawrence, a Camaldolese monk. He did not join this order and remained a layman to his death. Feastday is August 13. Next question.
St. Ivo of Kermartin was the son of a Lord of the Manor in Kermartin, Brittany. He studied theology, canon law and philosophy, and later, he studied civil law. He became known as "the poor man's advocate" for his defense of poor people and his refusal to take money for his services. He lived from 1253 to 1303, became a parish priest in 1284 when he resigned from his legal position. He built a hospital and tended to the sick. He died May 19th and is the Patron of lawyers and notaries. Next question.
St. Elmo is the Patron Saint of sailors. He is better known by the name Erasmus, who was Bishop of Formiae, Italy. He is a Patron of sailors and the blue storm lanterns still used of ships before the mast are called St. Elmo lights. St Elmo or Erasmus lived in the 2nd century (d. circa 303). Next question.
St. Leonard of Port Maurice, also known as Leonard Casanova, is Patron Saint of parish missions. He became a Franciscan friar. He had been engaged for 43 years in missionary work when he died on November 26, 1751. Next question.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary is the Patron Saint of people who are living in exile. Perhaps it was because she lived for many years in a hospice while caring for the sick and the poor. This holy person became a Franciscan Tertiary. She died at age 23 on November 17th. Next question.
St. Peter the Apostle is the Patron Saint of all popes. He died circa 64. Jesus made him in charge of the Church in Scripture - Mt. 16:18; in Greek, Peter means Rock. He is buried under St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Next question.
St. Camillus de Lellis is the Patron of those who are sick and ailing. He lived from 1550 to 1614, became a Capuchin novice but was unable to be professed due to a diseased leg. Devoted himself to the care of the sick. He received permission to be ordained and with two companions founded the Ministers of the Sick, the Camillians. With St. John of God he was declared Patron Saint of nurses and nursing groups and the sick. Next Question.
St. Benezet is the Patron Saint of bridge builders. Known as the "Saint Benedict the Bridge Builder", St. Benezet spent his pious youth in Savoy tending sheep for his mother until one day, during an eclipse of the sun, he heard a voice that addressed him three times out of the darkness. The voice instructed him to build a bridge over the river at Avignon. Building bridges at convenient locations in the middle ages was considered a charity to travelers. St. Benezet died in 1184. His feastday is April 14. Next question.
St. Mary Magdalen was a follower of Christ in the 1st century, and it is said that she became a classic example of the repentant sinner from earliest times. Her relationship with Christ is explained in Scripture (see Lk 7:36 ff, Mk. 16:9, Mt. 27:56 ff, and Jn. 19:25). Feastday July 22nd. Next question.
St. Alexius was a 4th century confessor, serving the sick in a hospital. Feastday July 17th. He was popular in Rome and is also the Patron of a nursing congregation known as the Alexian Brothers. Next Question.
St. Gabriel the Archangel, previously used in this quiz, is also the Patron Saint of stamp collectors or philatelists. Next question.
St. Paula is a special friend of widows. She lived from 347-404, was born in Rome from a noble family, she married and she and her husband were regarded as the ideal married couple. He died in 379, and she then renounced the world and lived in great austerity and did much good for the poor. She met and became good friends with St. Jerome. She helped him with his biblical work and died in Bethlehem on January 26th. She is the Patroness of widows. Next question.
Patron of skiers as well as mountain climbers pray to St. Bernard of Menthon for special favors. He is also known as Bernard of Montjoux. He was a priest born around the year 996. He died while on a journey but the year of his death is uncertain. He is, indeed, the Patron Saint of Alpinists (people who climb the Alps), and of other mountaineers. Feastday May 28th. We used him earlier in this quiz, did you remember? Next question.
St. Agatha is a special friend of torture victims. She was born of a wealthy family (date/place unknown) and lived a life of chastity. During one of the emperor's persecutions she was horribly tortured. Feastday February 5th. Next Question.
St. Barbara is the Patron of people who lay tiles. She lived in the 4th century but scholars have questioned whether there really was a virgin martyr named Barbara. Legend has it that she lived in a tower and built three windows in honor of the Most Holy Trinity. Her feastday is December 4th and she is also regarded as the Patron Saint of architects and builders. Next question.
St. Germaine Cousin is the Patron Saint of unattractive people. She was a virgin who lived from 1579 to 1601. She was a daughter of a French farm worker, who lost her mother in infancy, and was born deformed and inflicted with an ugly disease. She was abused by her father and stepmother. She was made to sleep in the stable and was given tablescraps to eat. She received no schooling but she learned how to pray the Rosary. She constantly prayed. She was found dead at age 22. Next question.
St. Joseph of Arimathea is the Patron of undertakers. It was he who provided his newly built burial vault for use by Jesus after his death. He's been mentioned in all four Gospels, and he was present at the crucifixion. Next Question.
St. Martha is Patron of cooks. She was sister to Mary and Lazarus. They were all friends with Jesus who often stayed at their home. See Scripture, Luke 10:38-42 which described Martha's role. Feastday July 29th. Next Question.
St. Zita is the Patron of servants. Feastday April 27. She lived in 1218 to 1278 and was a servant in the household of a wool dealer. She lived a holy life and was a servant for 48 years! Next Question.
St. Peter of Alcantara is the Patron Saint of watchmen. Feastday October 19. The son of a Spanish governor, he lived from 1499-1562. Joined the Franciscans. Wrote a treatise on Prayer and Meditation. He is also Patron of Brazil. Next question.
St. Dunstan is the Patron Saint of goldsmiths. Feastday is 19 May. He lived from 910-988, in England and was educated by Irish monks. Did much to discipline the church in England and rebuild churches and monasteries ruined by Danish invaders. He was a skilled metalworker. Next question.
St. Paul the Hermit is the Patron Saint of weavers. Lived from c. 229-342 in Egypt. The eremetical life suited him. Feastday January 15th. Next Question.
St. Jerome is, understandibly, Patron Saint of librarians, because it was he who translated the Old Testament from Hebrew and the New Testament from Greek into Latin. This translation is called the Vulgate. Next question.
St. Gabriel the Archangel, "God's messenger" is Patron Saint of messengers. He also proclaimed the birth of Jesus to Mary. Next question.
St. Francis de Sales is the Patron Saint of authors. He was Bishop of Geneva, Switzerland, and a Doctor of the Church. He was also co-founder of the Order of the Visitation. His feastday is January 29th. He is also honored as the Patron of the Catholic press. Next question.
St. Sebastian is the Patron Saint of athletes. Feastday January 20. A well-known Roman Martyr, he was an officer in the imperial army. He became a Christian and was martyred for his Faith. Archers executed him. Next question.
St. Casimir is the Patron Saint of Poland and Lithuania. Feastday March 4th. He lived from 1458 to 1483. Although he was son of a King, he was very humble and spent hours praying each day. He gave away what he had. At 25 he was stricken with a fatal lung disease and died. One hundred twenty five years later his body was found still to be intact. Next question.
St. Francis of Assisi is the Patron Saint of Italy. St. Francis was a 13th century founder of the Franciscan Order (and its various branches for male, female religious and a lay order known as the Secular Franciscan Order). He was a deacon. Also known as Poverello or Little Poor Man he preached to the poor and cared for the lepers. He bore the Stigmata, the wounds of Christ in his hands, feet and side. Francis deeply influenced the social conditions, art, and religion of his time and is equally revered by non-Catholics. Pope Benedict XV proclaimed him to be "the most perfect image of Christ that ever lived." St. Catherine of Siena is also a Patron Saint of Italy. Next Question.
St. Rose of Lima is the Patron Saint of Peru. That was an easy answer, because Lima is the capital of Peru! She lived from 1586-1617, and was the first Saint to be canonized from the New World. She was a member of the Third Order of St. Dominic and known for her obedience. She was loved and when she died at age 31 the whole city took part in her funeral. In 1669 she was declared Patroness of Peru, South America and of the Philippines. Next question.
St. Boniface is the Patron Saint of Germany. We celebrate him on June 5th. He lived from about 680 to 754, born in England. He was Bishop of a territory currently encompassing parts of Germany, Holland and Belgium and he's venerated as the "Apostle of Germany." Next question.
Greece is the country of which St. Nicholas is the Patron. His feastday, December 6th, is widely celebrated in Western Europe as Saint Nicholas (or Sinterklaas in Holland) day, as St. Nicholas is well known for his goodness toward children. The popular "Santa Claus" in America is also based on St. Nicholas. Next Question.
St. George is the Patron Saint of England. In addition he is Patron of Portugal, Germany, Aragon, Genoa, and Venice, as well as knighthood and soldiers. Feastday April 23rd. Next Question.
St. Wenceslaus is the Patron Saint of Czechoslovakia. He lived from c. 903-929. Raised a Christian he was educated by his grandmother St. Ludmila. He became king and later was martyred. Feastday September 28th. Next Question.
St. Jean de Baptiste, that is, John the Baptist, is the Patron Saint of Canada. (Feastday June 24) He is the forerunner of Jesus, the one (he said of Jesus) "the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie." (John 1:27) Also, see Luke 7:18-22. Next Question.
St. John Baptist de la Salle is the Patron Saint of teachers. He lived from 1651-1719, and opened a school for poor boys in 1679 in Rheims, France. Founder of the Christian Brothers, an order of teachers. Next Question.
St. Joseph is the Patron of workers. St. Joseph really needs no introduction. He is the husband of Mary, the Mother of God, and the foster father of Jesus. His feastday falls on March 19th. Next question.
St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787) wrote profusely on the subject of moral theology and he is the Patron of moral theologians. His devotional writings are highly recommended particularly his Glories of Mary. Next question.
St. Augustine is the Patron Saint of theologians. His feastday is August 28th. He lived from 354 to 430, born at Tagaste. He established a religious community and lived the monastic life. He was a great writer, defending the Faith against Donatism, Manichaeism, and Palagianism. Best known of his works are his Confessions, one of the great spiritual classics of all time, still being widely read today. He's called the "Doctor of Grace," and he is regarded one of the greatest Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Next question.
St. Clare of Assisi is the Patron Saint of television so television workers should pray to her. Lived 1194-1253, follower of St. Francis of Assisi. She founded the Order of the Poor Clares, receiving the habit from St. Francis at the Portiuncula. The Poor Clares practice strict poverty and other great austerities. Her Rule was approved two days before her death. Her feastday is August 11th. When she was too ill to attend Mass one Christmas Eve she was able to see the Mass being celebrated in the church while she remained in her cell. As this was a type of tele-vision she was made the Patron of television. Next Question.
St. Thomas Aquinas is the Patron Saint of scholars and students. Lived c.1225-1274. Feastday Jan. 28th. Was a Benedictine oblate from age 5, later joined the Dominicans. He was a towering intellect and was regarded as the greatest theological master of Christianity. Next Question.
The Patron Saints of surgeons are St. Cosmas and Damian. Feastday September 26th. According to legend they were twin brothers born in Arabia in the 3rd century. They both studied medicine in Syria and became widely known for their medical skills, which they offered to all without cost. They were beheaded for their faith. Next question.
St. Gregory the Great was the most commanding figure of his time (born c. 540), was a Pope, he died in 604. He was also the first Pope who had been a monk. His feast day is September 3rd and he did much for the Roman liturgy. The name 'Gregorian Chant' is attributed to him, and he is, indeed, the Patron Saint of singers. Next question.
St. Albert the Great is the Patron Saint of scientists. He was a famous 13th century Dominican philosopher and theologian. He died in 1280. Next question.
St. Dismas, the good thief, is the Patron Saint of prisoners. A first century martyr, he hung beside Jesus on the Cross, and asked Jesus, "...remember me when you come into your kingdom. And he (Jesus) said to him, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." [Luke 23:42-43, RSV]. Next question.
St. John Vianney is the Patron Saint of pastors. He was the Cure of Ars whose feastday is August 4th. He was a farm hand who taught other children their prayers. He was gifted with discernment of spirits, prophecy and knowledge. Even though he was a poor student he was ordained a priest. He lived from 1786, in France, and died in 1859. Many people came to him for confession. Next question.
St. John Chrysostom, whose name means "golden-mouthed" is one of the Fathers of the Church who was famous for his oratory. He became Bishop of Constantinople in 398. Known as the greatest of the Greek Fathers, he revised the Greek Liturgy, worked to reform the clergy and sought to encourage practices of justice and charity. He died in 407. He is Patron Saint of preachers and of people suffering of epilepsy. Next Question.
St. Michael the Archangel is the Patron Saint of policemen and policewomen. We celebrate his feastday on September 29th. This Saint appeared in the 6th century on Mount Gargano in Italy. He requested a church be built in his honor there. He is also Patron Saint to a score of others, ranging from ambulance drivers to soldiers, sailors and mariners. Pray to him for intercession when you feel temptations and when you are dying. Next question.
St. Cecilia is the Patron Saint of music ministries and choir directors. She was a young patrician vowed to virginity to God, however, her parents engaged her to Valerian, who converted. They lived a life dedicated to celibacy. Her feastday is November 22nd. During the wedding Cecilia was singing in her heart a hymn of love for Jesus, her true spouse. She was martyred c. 117. She's also Patron Saint of composers, martyrs, poets and singers. Next question.
St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, is the Saint to whom our mothers may pray for intercession. Her feastday is August 27th. If you read the Confessions of St. Augustine, you will also realize that St. Monica had a lot to endure; aside from that, she was married to a bad-tempered pagan. She was born (in 322) in Tagaste, Algeria and died in 387 at Ostia, Italy. She is also Patron Saint of alcoholics, abuse victims, difficult marriages, housewives, victims of adultery and widows, among others. Next question.
St. Bede the Venerable is the Patron Saint for lectors. His feastday occurs on May 25th. He was born in England and raised from childhood at the abbey of Saint Peter and Paul at Wearmouth-Jarrow, where he lived his entire life. He became a Benedictine Monk, was ordained a priest, in the late 7th Century and was canonized in 735. Pope Leo XIII made him a Doctor of the Church. Next Question.
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini is the Patron Saint of immigrants. She is also the first U.S. Citizen to be canonized. She founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to care for poor children and she built or acquired schools and hospitals. She and her sisters immigrated to New York in 1889 and worked with Italian immigrants. The order also has houses in Europe and South America. Her feastday is December 22nd. She is the Patron Saint of immigrants and hospital administrators. Next question.
St. Florian was a soldier of Rome in the 3rd Century in what is now Austria. He is said to have stopped a town from burning by throwing a single bucket of water on the blaze... thus his association with firefighters. He also has a connection with those who protect us from fire as the Patron Saint of chimney sweeps. When Florian refused to execute a group of Christians, and professed his own faith, he was martyred. He was stoned alive, a stone tied to his neck, and his body dumped into a river. Next question.
St. Paul the Apostle is the Patron Saint of those involved in evangelism. His feastday occurs on January 25 (his conversion), June 29 (Sts. Peter and Paul, as co-founders of the Church), and on November 18 (Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul). He was a talmudic student and a pharisee. Before he decided to follow Jesus he was a tent-maker, so he is also Patron Saint of tent-makers. As Scripture states, he had a conversion on the road to Damascus. He became a martyr. Next question.
St. Isidore the Farmer is the Patron Saint of farmers. He was married to St. Mary de la Cabeza. He was accused by the man he worked for of not working enough because he attended Holy Mass daily. Soon angels were seen doing his plowing while he was at Mass. Miracles and cures were reported at his gravesite in which his body lies incorrupt. Next question.
Those devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus may ask St. Margaret Mary Alacoque for special intercession. Her feastday is celebrated on October 16th. At early age she was healed from a crippling disease by a vision of the Blessed Virgin. She gave her life to God. She joined the Order of the Visitation at Paray le Monial. In 1675 she received a revelation from Jesus which included twelve promises to her and to those who practice a true devotion to His Sacred Heart. Next question.
St. Vincent de Paul is the Patron on charitable workers. He was born in France in 1580, the son of a peasant farmer and he became a priest at age 21. He dedicated his whole life to the service of the poor and organized many lay people in groups of service to the homeless poor. In the United States, many soup kitchens are outreach programs of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Next question.
St. Charles Borromeo is the Patron Saint of catechists. Born in 1538 near Lake Maggiore, Italy, he became a Bishop and a Cardinal. He was an important figure in bringing about the reform of the Council of Trent. Next question, please.
Money Managers are under the special protection of St. Matthew. Feastday: 21 September. St. Matthew is the son of Alphaeus and lived on Lake Genesareth at Capernaum. He was a Roman tax collector, a position feared by all. Local people looked upon him as collaborating with the enemy. Nevertheless, Jesus invited Matthew to follow him. Matthew preached among the Jews for 15 years in the East as well as in Ethiopia. He is the Patron Saint of accountants, bankers, bookkeepers, security guards and tax collectors. Next question
St. Joseph of Cupertino is a Saint who levitated and is known as the Patron Saint of aviators. He is also referred to as the "Flying Friar." His feastday is September 18th. His father was a poor carpenter and died before Joseph was born. He was born in a stable. At young age, Joseph had visions. As an apprentice shoemaker at age 17, Joseph applied for admittance to the Friars Minor Conventuals but he was refused. Then he applied to the Capuchins and was accepted in the year 1620 as a lay brother. He didn't last long there due to his ecstasies. Subsequently he was admited to the Franciscan convent near Cupertino as a cleric (student for priesthood) and even though he could barely read was ordained to the priesthood at age 25. Despite his lack of education, he had such a gift for spiritual knowledge and discernment that he could solve intricate questions. His life became a series of visions and ecstasies, which could be triggered any time or place by the sound of a church bell, church music, the mention of the name of God or of the Blessed Virgin or of a saint, any event in the life of Christ, the sacred Passion, a holy picture, the thought of the glory in heaven, etc. Yelling, beating, pinching, burning, piercing with needles - none of this would bring him from his trances, but he would return to the world on hearing the voice of his superior in the order. He would often levitate and float (which led to his Patronage of people involved in air travel), and could hear heavenly music. Next question.
Astronomers often pray to St. Dominic de Guzman. Dominic (feasday August 8th) was born of wealthy Spanish nobility, studied in Palencia. He was a canon of the church of Osna. His lifelong apostolate was against the Albigensians especially in France. Founded the Order of Friars Preacher in 1215. He became a friend of St. Francis of Assisi. St. Dominic is credited with invention if the Rosary. Next question.
St. John Berchmans is the Patron Saint of altar boys and girls. His feastday occurs on November 26th and he was the son of a shoemaker, one of five children, three of whom entered religious life. He had a great devotion to his position as an altar boy. He spent much of his time caring for his mother, who was in poor health. He later was a novice and student at the Jesuit College at Malines. The Saint studied and he died in Rome. Died of unknown causes following his participation in a public debate, and while clutching his rosary, crucifix, and rules. John Berchmans was not noted for extraordinary feats of holiness or austerity, nor did he found orders or churches. He made kindness, courtesy, and constant fidelity an important part of his holiness. The path to holiness lies in the ordinary rather than the extraordinary. Next question.
St. Timothy (feastday January 26) was a close personal friend of St. Paul. He was a missionary and the head of the Church at Ephesus. He was martyred in the year 97. He is the Patron Saint of people with stomach disorders. Next question.
St. Anthony of Padua is also the Patron Saint of the poor. St. Anthony also known as the Evangelic Doctor (feastday June 13) was a Franciscan priest. When the remains of Saint Berard and his companions, the first Franciscan martyrs, were brought to be buried in his church, Anthony was moved to leave his order, enter the Friars Minor, and go to Morocco to evangelize. Shipwrecked at Sicily, he joined some other brothers who were going to Portiuncula. Lived in a cave at San Paolo leaving only to attend Mass and sweep the nearby monastery. One day when a scheduled speaker failed to appear, the brothers pressed him into speaking. He impressed them so that he was thereafter constantly travelling, evangelizing, preaching, and teaching theology through Italy and France. He was a gifted speaker, he attracted crowds everywhere he went, speaking in multiple tongues; legend says that even the fishloved to listen. One of the most beloved of saints, his images and statues are found everywhere. Proclaimed a Doctor of the Church. Next question
St. Blaise whose feastday is February 3rd, was a physician and the Bishop of Sebaste, Armenia. He lived at a time when Agricola became the governor of Cappadocia and persecuted Christians. Agricola's huntsmen went into the forests of Argeus to find wild animals for their arena games and they found many waiting outside a cave Blaise was praying in. Blaise was arrested and thrown into prison. While in prison he healed fellow prisoners including a child who was choking on a fish bone. This led to the blessing of throats on his feast day. Next Question.
St. Benedict is the Patron against poisoning. He is the founder of western monasticism and is better known as Benedict of Nursia. His feastday is July 11. He is the twin brother of Saint Scholastica. He studied in Rome and dismayed at the lack of discipline with fellow students went to live in a cave at Subiaco. He founded a monastery at Monte Cassino where he wrote the rule for his order. Unhappy with his efforts, some monks tried to poison him. They were not succesful because the Saint blessed the cup of wine before drinking it and the cup shattered. Eventually he established twelve monasteries. He was born in Nursia circa 480 and died March 21, 547. Next question
St. Amand is the Patron Saint of innkeepers. He was a 6th century hermit and at age 20 his family tried to kidnap him and bring him home from his hermitage, but they failed. He became Bishop of Maestricht and was given permission to wander and preach. He evangelized in France, Flanders, Carinthia, Gascony, and Germany, sometimes getting beaten by the locals. He founded several monasteries and convents. He is associated with brewers and vintners because he spent so much time preaching and teaching in beer and wine making regions. Next Question.
People who love the world around them, that is the environment, pray to St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis was a 13th century founder of the Franciscan Order (and its various branches for male, female religious and lay people) who "talked to the birds." He was a most gentle character who loved the outdoors and treated humans and animals with compassion knowing that all are a part of God's creation. We celebrate his feastday on October 4th. Next Question.
St. Joseph is the earthly spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Foster and adoptive father of Jesus Christ. He was a carpenter and also a visionary who was visited by angels. Noted for his willingness to immediately get up and do what God told him. He died prior to the Passion of Jesus. We pray to him for a happy and holy death. He is also the Patron Saint of those seeking to follow the interior life and of workers. He is Patron Saint of a great number of countries. In addition, he is the Patron Saint of The Community of The Monks of Adoration. Next Question.
St. Vitus is the Patron Saint of comical persons. Vitus was born in Sicily in the late 3rd century. After exorcizing the son of the anti-Christian Emperor, he was sentenced to death for sorcery. When lions were sent to maul him, they would only lick his feet. He was then dropped into a cauldron of molten lead, from which some accounts say he sprung up "refreshed as if from a bath," while others state that as the means of his demise. Legend has it that at the very moment of his death, a torrential storm came and destroyed several pagan temples. It is believed that doing a dance in front of his statue on his feast day will ensure good health for a year. This is probably why he's associated with epileptics and comics. Vitus is also the Patron of dancers and one of the Patrons of actors; and he's invoked against dog bites, snake bites, lightning, storms, epilepsy and oversleeping. His feast day is June 15. Next Question.
For the grace of making a good confession, we may turn to St. Gerard Majella. He was born in 1726 in the southern Italian town of Muro. The son of a tailor, he himself became apprenticed to a tailor at the age of twelve, around the time of his father's death. As he grew up, Gerard spent a lot of time in prayer and he developed a great love for God. He became known for his kindness to people and led a frugal life, so that he could share his earnings with the poor. When he we 23, a team of Redemptorists gave a mission in Muro. Gerard was so impressed by them that he decided, against the wishes of his family, to join the Order. The missioners, thinking that Gerard would not be able for the religious life because of his poor health, refused to accept him. But Gerard persisted with his request and eventually left home to become a Redemptorist Brother. Today, St. Gerard had won the love and devotion of many for the numerous miracles attributed to his intercession. He is well known for his protection of expectant mothers and is recognised as Patron of Mothers and Babies. He is also venerated as Friend of the Poor and Saint of the Worker, and his special gift was as a friend and helper of those seeking to make a good confession. Next Question.
Publishers and book sellers turn to St. John of God for protection. He was a shepherd and spent a wild youth travelling throughout Europe as a soldier and mercinary. After his conversion he sold pious books. After that, he began to care for the sick, poor and homeless. He founded the Order of Hospitalers. Next question.
When you are bothered by insect bites, please pray for relief of the itch to St. Mark the Apostle. He was a disciple of St. Peter who travelled with him to Rome and he travelled with his cousin Saint Barnabas with St. Paul to Cyprus. He is also Patron Saint invoked against impenitence and the Patron Saintof attorneys, barristers, captives, stained glass workers, prisoners. Next question.
Jewellers may turn for help to St. Eligius. Feastday 1 December. He was a skillful metalsmith. He was generous to the poor and he ransomed slaves. He built churches and a monastery and a major convent. Next question.
Sufferers of jealousy may pray to St. Elizabeth of Portugal. Elizabeth was a queen (b. 1271); she was the daughter of King Peter III of Aragon. Feastday July 8th. She was known as a peacemaker. Next question.
Against indiscretions, we pray to St. John Nepomucene. We also know him as the Martyr of the Confessional. Feastday May 16th. While a child, cured the prayers of his parents who then consecrated him to God. Priest. Great preacher who converted thousands. Counselor and advocate of the poor in the court of Wenceslaus IV. Confessor to the queen, and taught her to bear the cross of her ill-tempered husband the king. Refused several bishophrics. Imprisoned for refusing to disclose the queen's confession to the king. When he continued to honor the seal of the confessional. Symbol of Bohemian nationalism. Died 20 March 1393; burned, then tied to a wheel and thrown into the Moldau River; on the night of his death, 7 stars hovered over the placed where he drowned. Next question.
St. Emygdius will protect us against earthquakes, when we ask for his intercession. Next question.
St. Herbert and relief of droughts go together. We celebrate his feastday on March 20th. He was a friend of St. Cuthbert and died with him in 687. The Saint lived a hermit's life on the island in Lake Derwentwater which bears his name. It is not entirely clear how St. Herbert became Patron of relief of droughts. Next question.
St. Sebaldus helps us along in cold weather. He was a Benedictine hermit who worked with Saint Willibald. He died in c. 770 and his feastday is on August 19th. Next question.
For protection against bad weather, pray to St. Medard. He was Bishop, born in Salency, Picardy, and was ordained at thirty three, attained fame as a preacher and missioner, and became bishop of Vermandois in 530. Feastday June 8th. Next question.
St. Anthony of Padua is the Patron Saint of a good harvest. St. Anthony also known as the Evangelic Doctor (feastday June 13) was a Franciscan priest. When the remains of Saint Berard and his companions, the first Franciscan martyrs, were brought to be buried in his church, Anthony was moved to leave his order, enter the Friars Minor, and go to Morocco to evangelize. Shipwrecked at Sicily, he joined some other brothers who were going to Portiuncula. Lived in a cave at San Paolo leaving only to attend Mass and sweep the nearby monastery. One day when a scheduled speaker failed to appear, the brothers pressed him into speaking. He impressed them so that he was thereafter constantly travelling, evangelizing, preaching, and teaching theology through Italy and France. He was a gifted speaker, he attracted crowds everywhere he went, speaking in multiple tongues; legend says that even the fishloved to listen. One of the most beloved of saints, his images and statues are found everywhere. Proclaimed a Doctor of the Church. Next question.
For those in the African Youth movements, St. Charles Lwanga is of special interest. Charles was Ugandan and we celebrate his feastday on June 3rd. He was martyred with 21 companions during the persecutions of King Mwanga in 1885-7. He was burned to death in 1886. He is the Patron Saint of Youth Action, particularly African, as well as Patron of torture victims. Next question.
Actresses could turn to St. Pelagia, who is known as the "Beardless Hermit." She was a dancer and while attending a sermon by the Bishop Nonnus of Edessa who spoke of a dancer who worked to make her dance perfect but did not do anything for God. St. Pelagia immediately converted, confessed, was baptized, turning away from her former life, she moved to Jerusalem and lived as a hermit the rest of her days. Next question.
If you're an actor, St. Genesius may intercede for you. His feastday is August 25th. He was hired to act in a play that made fun of Christian Baptism, and converted on stage. He refused to renounce his new faith, even at the emperor's orders and was martyred by Diocletian. Was beheaded c. 303. He's the Patron Saint of actors, clowns, comics, dancers and several other professions. Next question.
Victims of abuse may turn to St. Rita of Cascia for assistance. We celebrate her feastday on May 22nd. Her parents, known as the "peacemakers of Jesus" had Rita late in life. Her parents had her married to an ill-mannered abusive man. She had two sons. The husband was stabbed to death, and after that, Rita, devoted to the Passion, entered a convent of Augustinian nuns. In response to a prayer to suffer as Christ, she received a wound in her forehead caused by a crown of thorns and which bled for 15 years. Next question.
The Patron Saint for those who oppose abortions is St. Catherine of Sweden. She is the daughter of St. Bridget and is also known as Catherine of Vadstena. She's never been formally canonized, but is venerated as a saint. Feastday: 24 March. She helped her mother in setting up the Order of Bridgettines. Next question.
St. René Goupil is the Patron Saint of Anaesthetists. He lived from 1606-1649. He had to leave the Jesuit Novitiate because of ill health. He studied medicine and offered his services to the Jesuit missions in Canada. On the way to Ste. Marie, he and Isaac Jogues were captured and tortured. St. René was martyred at Auriesville, New York in his 35th year. Next question.
Mountain climbers pray to St. Bernard of Menthon for special favors. He is also known as Bernard of Montjoux. He was a priest born around the year 996. He died while on a journey but the year of his death is uncertain. He is, indeed, the Patron Saint of Alpinists (people who climb the Alps), and of other mountaineers. Next Question.
Accountants are under the special protection of St. Matthew. Feastday: 21 September. St. Matthew is the son of Alphaeus and lived on Lake Genesareth at Capernaum. He was a Roman tax collector, a position feared by all. Local people looked upon him as collaborating with the enemy. Nevertheless, Jesus invited Matthew to follow him. Matthew preached among the Jews for 15 years in the East as well as in Ethiopia. He is the Patron Saint of accountants, bankers, bookkeepers, security guards and tax collectors. Next question.
St. Thomas More is the Patron of Lawyers and attorneys. His feastday is on June 22nd. He was a devoted family man, the father of four children. He died in 1478, martyred for his steadfast refusal to reject his faith. He is the Patron Saint of adopted children, difficult marriages and large families, as well as attorneys and lawyers. Next question.
St. Christopher is the Patron Saint of travelers. Feastday: July 25th. He was a man of great stature, who wished to serve the mightiest of rulers. It is rumored that one night he carried a little child on his shoulders across a river, but the child got so heavy that he could barely get accross. That child was Jesus and he had been carrying "the weight of the world." The name "Christophoros" in Greek means 'one who carries Christ.' He is the Patron Saint of wayfarers and motorists. Next question.
St. Teresa of Avila came from Spanish nobility. She was crippled by disease in her youth but was cured after she prayed to St. Joseph. At age 17, she entered the Carmelite Order. Uneasy about the laxity of the rule, she founded a reform convent. She was a mystic. She died in 1515. She was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church on 27 September. Next question.
St. Roch is the Patron Saint of Invalids. He was a French noble who was sympathetic toward the poor and the sick. He contracted the plague from people he was caring for. His feastday is August 16th. He died in Montpelier, France in 1295. Next question.
The correct answer is the blind. St. Raphael is the Patron Saint of the blind. We celebrate this Archangel's feastday with St. Michael on September 29th. He is one of the three angels known by name. In Scripture, we find the following reference to the Archangel Raphael: "And Raphael was sent to heal the two of them: to scale away the white films of Tobit's eyes; to give Sarah the daughter of Raguel in marriage to Tobias the son of Tobit, and to bind Asmodeus the evil demon, because Tobias was entitled to possess her. At that very moment Tobit returned and entered his house and Sarah the daughter of Raguel came down from her upper room." [Tob 3:17, RSV] Next question.
St. Peregrine was initially an anti-Catholic. He was converted when St. Philip Benzini, whom he struck across the face, prayed for him. He joined the Servites in Siena. He suffered from cancer in his leg and the night before a scheduled amputation, he prayed and was healed. As a result, he is the Patron Saint of cancer patients. Next question.
St. Jude is the Patron Saint of desperate or hopeless causes. Jude's feastday is on October 28th. He is the brother of James the Lesser and the nephew of Mary and Joseph, thus very closely related to Jesus. If you don't know where to turn, you could ask our Blessed Mother and St. Jude to intercede for you. Next question.
St. John of God celebrates his feastday on March 8th. He was a shepherd. He became a solder but in his 40's gave up the military and settled in Grenada, Spain, where he began to help the poor, homeless and the sick. He founded the Order of Hospitallers of Saint John of God. He is the Patron Saint of alcoholics, heart patients, hospitals and hospital workers and some others. However, if I provided you with the total list, we'd be giving away answers to other questions! Next question.
St. Anthony of Padua is the Saint we pray to when we lose things. He is a doctor of the Church, and a revered follower of St. Francis of Assisi. His feastday occurs on June 13th. Folks who are shipwrecked, starving, or oppressed also pray to him for intercession. He is the Patron of Portugal, as well. In addition, he is the Patron of horses and donkeys. Since the early friars were not permitted to ride horses, this is somewhat puzzling. Next question.

For more information, may we refer you to a beautiful web site: - in the Catholic Community Forum of the Liturgical Publications of St. Louis, Inc. It is a very long listing of Patron Saints and the topics of whom they are Patrons. Some of our information came from that site. A lot of our information came, also, from the following books:
Dictionary of Saints by John Delaney 1980 Doubleday & Co., Butler's Lives of the Saints, Concise Edition, Ed. by Michael Walsh 1956, 1985 Harper & Row, and, A Saint a Day, by Berchmans Bittle, OFM Cap., 1958, The Bruce Publishing Company, and from Secular Saints by Joan Carroll Cruz 1989, Tan Books and Publishers, Inc.
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St. Gabriel isn't the right answer. We do not pray to this Saint when we lose things. Try again.
St. Peregrine is not the Patron of heart patients. Try again.
St. Lucy is the wrong answer. Try again
St. Matthew isn't the Patron Saint of cancer patients. Please Try again.
St. Raphael isn't the Patron Saint of the lame. Try again.
St. Timothy is the wrong reply. Try again.
St. Therese of Lisieux may help us in various ways but not as a Patron of headache sufferers. Try again.
St. Lucy can't help you as an advocate of travelers, sorry. Try again.
St. Luke isn't the Patron Saint of lawyers and attorneys. Luke was a physician. Try again.
St. Bernardine of Siena isn't the Patron Saint of accountants. Try again.
St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine wasn't into mountain climbing. If you chose her the answer is wrong, so please, try again.
St. Ignatius of Loyola, also a Jesuit, isn't the Patron Saint of anaesthetists. Try again.
St. Maria Goretti isn't the Patron Saint of pro-lifers. Try again.
St. Vitus isn't the Patron Saint of those who have been abused. Try again.
St. Gertrude of Nivelles is not the Patron of actors. She lived 626-659. Try again.
St. Clotilde isn't the Patron Saint of actresses. Try again.
St. Moses the Black was a desert monk in c. 330 and was Egyptian. He is not the Patron Saint of Catholic African Youth Action. Try again.
St. Urban of Langres isn't the Patron Saint of a good harvest. Try again.
St. Florian isn't who you'd pray to for relief from bad weather. Try again.
St. Godeberta in not the special saint invoked against cold weather. Try again.
St. Aloysius isn't in charge of relief from droughts. In fact, he was a Jesuit missionary. Try again.
St. Francis Borgia isn't commonly invoked against earthquakes. He was a Father General of the Jesuits. Try again.
St. Genesius was an entertainer, an actor, but not the Patron Saint of the indiscreet. Try again.
St. Clare of Assisi was the foundress of the Poor Clares, but not the Patron Saint against jealousy. Try again.
St. Felix is not the Saint whom jewellers turn to. Try again.
St. John the Apostle isn't the special saint for insect bites. Try again.
St. Thomas Aquinas isn't the Patron Saint of publishers and booksellers. Catholic Schools are his specialty. Try again.
St. Lawrence is not the Saint to whom we turn for the grace of a good confession. If anything, he is a Patron of deacons. Try again.
St. Philip Neri, always good for a joke or two, isn't the Patron Saint of comics. A story was told how this Saint once shaved off half his beard. But, please try again.
St. Joachim, the father of Mary, the Mother of God, isn't the one. Try again, please.
St. Benedict, the father of Western monasticism wasn't an environmentalist as far as we know. Try again.
St. Maurice isn't the Patron Saint of innkeepers. Please, try again.
St. Luke, a physician and one of the four writers of the Gospel isn't the Patron Saint to invoke against poisoning. Try again.
St. Dymphna isn't the Patron Saint of healthy throats. Please try again.
St. Peregrine was a member of the Servite order; also following a regimen of poverty as a religious, he isn't the Patron Saint of the poor. Try again.
St. Roch is the Patron Saint of Invalids. He was a French noble who was sympathetic toward the poor and the sick. He contracted the plague from people he was caring for. His feastday is August 16th. He died in Montpelier, France in 1295. He is not the Patron Saint of people with stomach disorders. Please try again.
St. Thomas the Apostle isn't the Saint to whom altar boys or girls would ask for interecession. Try again.
St. Sebastian isn't the right answer. Try again.
The only thing St. John Capistrano has in common with flying is that the swallows, birds found in California and other places, nest each year at Mission Capistrano, but he is not the Saint who is Patron of aviators. Try again.
St. Dominic Savio isn't the Patron Saint of bankers and money managers. Please try again.
St. Dominic isn't the Patron of Catechists. Try again.
St. Peter Claver isn't the special intercessor of charitable workers. Try again.
St. Elizabeth isn't the Patron Saint of those devoted to the Sacred Heart. Try again.
St. Jerome isn't the Patron of farmers. Jerome translated the Holy Bible, instead. Try again.
St. John the Evangelist isn't the Patron Saint of evangelists. Try again.
St. Vitus isn't a Saint firefighters normally turn to. Try again.
St. Frances of Rome isn't the Patron Saint of immigrants, so please try again.
St. Brendan, a 6th century abbot who is said to have discovered North America (as it is now Canada, Nova Scotia or Newfoundland), isn't the Patron Saint of lectors. Try again.
St. Gertrude, a 14th century nun isn't the intercessor for mothers. Try again.
St. Agatha is a 3rd century saint, was tortured and martyred but she isn't the Patron Saint of music makers. Try again.
St. Gabriel, also an Archangel, whose feast we also commemorate on September 29th, isn't the Patron Saint of police officers. Try again.
St. Jerome isn't the Patron on preachers although St. Benedict XV called him "the greatest doctor given by Heaven for the interpretation of Holy Scripture." Try again.
St. Basil is not the Patron Saint of priests. He was one of the great Fathers of the Church and even served the poor in soup kitchens during the famine. Try again.
St. Benedict isn't the Patron Saint of prisoners. Please try again.
St. Ephrem (also spelled Ephraem) is not the Saint scientists would turn to. St. Ephrem was a Doctor of the Church who had nothing to do with scientists in his life. Try again.
St. Genesius isn't the Patron Saint of singers. There are several Saints by that name, but none has anything to do with singers. Try again.
St. Felicity and Perpetua aren't the Patron Saint of surgeons. Try again.
St. John Francis Regis isn't the Patron Saint of students or scholars although he was an excellent student and several institutions of learning are named after him. He was a missionary, an excellent preacher and ministered to the sick and the poor. Try again.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary is not the Patron Saint of television or television workers. She was born in great wealth, became a Franciscan tertiary and did a lot of good for the poor and the sick. Try again.
St. Wenceslaus isn't the Patron Saint of theologians, but he is the Patron of Bohemia. Try again.
St. Aloysius, a Jesuit priest, is Patron of Catholic Youth, but not of moral theologians. Try again.
St. Peter Canisius isn't the Patron of workers. He was born in Nijmegen in Holland in 1521 and wrote the first Catechism. He is a Doctor of the Church. Try again.
St. Dominic Savio isn't the Patron Saint of teachers, although he was blessed with the spiritual gift of knowledge. He helped St. Don Bosco in his work with teenagers. Try again.
Chile is not the country whose Patron Saint is St. John the Baptist. Try again.
St. Canute is not the Patron Saint of Czechoslovakia. He became King of Denmark in 1081. Try again.
St. Anselm isn't the Patron Saint of England. Although he became Bishop of Canterbury. Try again.
Spain is not the country of which St. Nicholas is the Patron of. Please try again.
St. Willibrord is the incorrect answer. He was a Frisian Bishop and later became a Bishop at Utrecht, the Netherlands. He lived at about the same time as St. Boniface. Try again.
St. Bridget isn't the Patron of Peru but of Sweden. Try again.
St. Peter Baptist isn't the Patron of Italy but spent much of his time as a missionary in Japan. Try again.
St. Nicholas of Flue isn't Patron to Poland. He was Swiss and died as a hermit after a life of solitude. Try again.
St. Peter Julian Eymard isn't Patron of athletes. Try again.
St. John Bosco is not the Saint we are looking for. He was active in what today would be called 'youth ministry,' and founded several schools for orphaned boys. Try again.
St. Raphael isn't the Patron Saint of messengers, but he's also an Archangel. His name means "God heals." Try again.
St. Francis de Paola is not Patron of librarians but the founder of the Minim friars (Hermits of St. Francis). Try again.
St. Armel isn't Patron of weavers. He lived in the 6th century and was a missionary in Brittany. Try again.
St. Vincent of Saragossa wasn't Patron of goldsmiths. Try again
St. Peter Chanel isn't the Saint watchmen often turn to. He was a missionary. Try again.
St. Wilfrid wasn't a servant or a Patron of people who are servants. He was a 7th century abbot. Try again.
St. Eligius isn't the Patron of cooks, but he is the Patron of metalsmith. Try again.
St. Joseph of Cupertino isn't Patron Saint to undertakers, but is Patron of aviators, air travelers and pilots as indicated earlier in this quiz. Try again.
St. Dismas wasn't ugly nor was he the Patron Saint of unattractive people. Try again.
St. Bega isn't the Patroness of those who lay tiles. She was a hermitess and an abbess. Try again.
St. Sebastian,although subjected to a torturous death by arrow, is not the Patron Saint of torture victims. Try again.
Sorry, St. Isidore isn't Patron Saint of skiers. Try again.
St. Anastasia isn't the Patron Saint of widows. Try again.
St. Phileas, an Egyptian (died 304) was known for his learning. He was beheaded. As far as we know, he is not the Patron Saint of any one group. Try again.
St. Macrina isn't the Patron of pilgrims. Sorry, please try again.
St. Cedd, a Lindisfarne monk c. 653 isn't the one. Please try again.
Catherine of Siena is one of the Patrons of Italy but not of bridge builders. Try again.
St. Barnabas isn't the Patron of the sick and ailing. Try again.
St. Leo the Great was a great Pope, but he is not the Patron Saint of popes. Try again.
St. Elizabeth of Schönau isn't Patron Saint of those who live in exile. Try again.
St. Mark the Evangelist is not Patron Saint of parish missions. Try again.
St. Francis de Sales isn't Patron of sailors or naval officers. Try again.
St. Ferdinand of Castile isn't the Saint we are looking for. Please try again.
St. John of the Cross has nothing to do with shoemakers, so please try again.
St. Valentine isn't Patron of someone with nightmares. Try again.
St. Nicholas of Tolentino isn't the Patron Saint of magistrates or judges. Try again.
St. Aloysius of Gonzaga isn't the Patron Saint of First Communicants but he is the Patron of Catholic Youth. Try again.