Thursday, April 23, 2009

Revision - Mass

Revision Test on the Mass

1. Who wrote most of the psalms?
a) David b) Matthew c) Paul d) Saul e) Solomon

2. What do we call the time during the Mass when the priest teaches us about God’s word and how to live our lives correctly?

a) Gospel b) Offertory c) Homily d) chalice e) Readings

3. What action starts the Liturgy of the Eucharist?

a) Consecration b) Offertory c) Welcome d) Communion e) Gospel

4. What type of prayer is the priest praying before the Eucharistic Prayer when he has the bread and wine?

a) Bidding b) Praising c) Asking d) Glorifying e) Thanksgiving

5. Which prayer did Jesus himself teach us?
a) Glory be b) Hail Mary c) Our Father d) Prayer for peace e) Gloria

Total for Question 1 = 5 marks

Name the two main sections of the Mass as well as the most important part of each. (4)

At which two specific parts of the Mass can your sins be forgiven? (2)

Why do the Catholics use the sign of the cross to bless themselves? (1)

After the priest has said “A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to…” What do we say, do and why? (5)

Why do we do this action?

Fill in the table below (15)

First Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
Testament? (New/Old)

Name a possible book from the bible.

Used at every Mass including during the week? (Yes/No)

Congregation response at end
Reader: This is the word of the Lord

Reader: This is the word of the Lord

Priest: This is the Gospel of the Lord

Write out an example of a short bidding prayer (4)

What four things could we offer during the Offertory. (4)

Why does the priest add one drop of water to the wine in the chalice? (3)

What day do we commemorate that relates to this prayer: “Holy, holy, holy Lord……… Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the Highest.”? (1)

What happens at the consecration? (2)

What comes at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer to sum up all our separate prayers during the Mass? (1)

Who first referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God? (1)

At the Sign of peace what do we do and say? (2)

Write out this short prayer: “Lord I am not worthy to ….” (2)

Briefly explain the story that the above prayer comes from. (3)

Why can non-Catholics not receive communion in church? (1)

What are non-Catholics able to do during communion? (1)

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